Asphalt Bitmac Macadam MUGA Sports Surfacing

Asphalt MUGA surfacing is commonly known as Porous Macadam in the UK and is often used as a surfacing for the multi use games areas due to its ability to house multi sports like basketball, football and tennis. Porous Macadam is often quite an unforgiving surface which can be hard on the body, but it will last for a very long time, have little maintenance and offers great value over the lifetime of the facility.

Other ball court and multi use game area surfacing includes EPDM Polymeric / Tartan surfacing and Synthetic all weather astro turf non grass and all of these surfaces have different playing characteristics and life time maintenance.

Asphalt surfacing can also be constructed to suit many different dimension sizes to the each individual project. Areas such as 20m x 10m to 99m x 55m have all been achieved. In order for asphalt surfacing to be safe, an anti slip coating is sometimes added to the surface.

This can allow stability and a slip protection to the players that are on the surface and this can be tested by TRRL 60 & TRRL 75 for multi sports and netball separately. Multi use game areas can also have sports floodlighting and sports fencing added to the construction and this will allow the facility to be in a safe and contained arena along with it being open for a longer period of time.

Soft Surfaces Ltd is considered a prime company and contractor in the UK for these surfaces and we would be very happy to discuss the project with you. Costs, pricing, designs, quotations and maintenance are all areas of our expertise. Please call 01625 445760 or visit us where you will find all elements of base work specifications including any drainage requirements.

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