LEAP park areas are areas designed for children and kids to play. The LEAP description is a medium size park of approx 500-1000m² because less that the threshold means it is known as a LAP play area and above this makes it into a NEAP.
The main difference between the LEAP and NEAP playzones is that even though both are designed for children to play on the NEAP park playzone area also has an area for kickabout soccer which is usually designed to be a MUGA multi use games area.
Surfaces for Local Play Areas
All with safety measures in mind as it is all kids playground systems then there is a selection of surfaces to choose from. These include wetpour rubber crumb surfacing, rubber mulch bark bonded surfaces, artificial grass systems or honeycomb grass.
This is dependent on the surrounding areas or the budgets the area has to spend on the area. The budgets usually are funded by a building company who is building a full set of houses on an estate and as part of their agreement will build a LEAP, NEAP or LAP park safety playzone area.
When the areas aren’t funded by the building companies then councils try to raise funds for children’s playgrounds. This happens through fundraising, applying for grants and seeing what the playground suppliers, manufacturers and contractors can do with regards to discounted quotes, prices and costs.
Get More Info
For more information on the costs of these playzones then please call 01625 445760 or fill in our contact form. We can start to put the prices together for you and give indictive budget quotations!!